Sunday, December 30, 2007

Monkey Socks Here I Come!

Check out the Lorna's Laces I scored on eBay! I think I paid around $21 for 2 skeins of Child's Play. Aren't the colors just yummy? I think this yarn wants to be made into Moneky Socks!!!

I plan on joining the Lime and Violet Finish-it-up-along '08 over on Ravelry. I've got 3-4 projects on the needles that need to get finished up.

1. The Earflap Hat

2. The Tuxedo Pillow (A knitty gritty pattern. It's on the knitty gritty website ( and on Ravelry. This is the second one I'm doing. Here's the first.)

3. Cherry Blossom Socks. (They just need binding off; see the previous post.I'm using this pattern..... ( and the Cherry Blossom sock yarn by Cherry Tree Hill.)

4. The Perfect Sweater (It's a Mason-Dixon sweater pattern that goes all the way up to 4x but I'm making the 3x for my sweetie. Do a search for it on Ravelry. I'm using Red Heart Soft yarn in's the only acrylic I like and my SO is allergic to wool.

5. The Wonderful Wallaby

Thursday, December 27, 2007

How about a FO?

Check out my finished Everlasting Bagstopper!! I used Lion Brand Cotton in Purple (a rich, eggplant-y kinda purple. Right now it's hanging up full of socks yarn. Yay me!

Cherry Blossom Sock

Cherry Blossom Sock
Originally uploaded by Sinnomen1977
I don't even know where to begin with these socks. I love the yarn and it knit up pretty quickly. I'm using a basic toe-up pattern (these are my first toe -up socks) and I think I've just been rushing the socks just to have a new FO. I cast off too quickly and tightly. I get the right sock done and try to take a pic and I cant even get the sucker around my ankle the bind off is sooooo tight! I can't believe it. I got so frustrated and angry at the sock and myself, I just flug it across the room. I've been a bit moody the last few days too; I dont know why.

Also, since this yarn came in just a big ol' hank I wasnt sure where to stop and where to begin the next sock. Hindsight being 20/20 I realize I should have weighed and seperated the hank to make 2 equal socks. The next time I buy yarn like that, I'll be sure to do it. This was my birthday yarn; purchused from The Loppy Ewe. Cherry Tree Hill, colorway: Cherry Blossom. The last pair of socks was Lorna's Laces and since you have to buy 2 skeins of that to make two socks its pretty easy to know where to stop; assuming your going toe-up. I think I'll get better with my next pair. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do toe-up. I'm dying to try the Monkey socks or something along those lines. I just need to learn PATIENCE and a more elastic bind-off. Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Concert

Aija's school has a Holiday Concert today. The 1st and 2nd graders (thats us!) were singing Santa Clause Rock. I thought it was so cute to see all the kids get up and sing. The kindergarteners (sp?) were esp. cute.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tis the season....

I let the heathens make gingerbread cookies last weekend. I thought they came out rather well. They could have been a bit more moist for my taste but other than that they did a great job. Now on to the gingerbread house. Because everyone knows....Gingerbread people need somewhere to live, right?

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

*singing* It's the most wonderful time...of the yearrrr..... I love Christmas time. And not only is my favorite holiday on the way but ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, folks of all ages...IT'S ALSO CRUNCH TIME!! It's about 18 days until Christmas and that means KNITTING 24 HOURS A DAY to get all gifts done! I have a just a few gifts to finish, what about you?

1. A scarf (which I will now refer to as the Never-Ending-2x2rib-Scarf-Of-Doom)for my father-in-law, the hat to this set is already done. Would you like to see it being modeled on my sweetie?

2. A hoodie for my neice. My daughter and niece wanted matching hooded sweatshirts; my daughters is done already in a light pink and my nieces is barely a waistband at this point in dusty lilac.

3. The Perfect Sweater (pattern can be found on Ravelry by the Mason-Dixon Girls) for my sweetie. At this point, it's only the back panel of a sweater. She doesn't mind if it's late, she already has a pair of socks done. Also, for Christmas.

I made good use of Stitch N Bitch night tonight by working on these projects, but. Um. I accidently cast on the Everlasting Bagstopper (pattern found in Knitty) for myself in a deep, rich purple Lion Brand Cotton. Oops. THATS NOT CHIRSTMAS KNITTING!!! I couldn't help it! It's a great bag, not just for carrying gorceries either. I see myself riding my adult sized tri-cycle in late spring with this bag slug over my shoulder full of fresh fruits and veggies. Also a fresh bagette of french bread inside. To sit at the park with. This is the perfect bag for those activities. Of course, summer is quite a bit off, I know. Ahem. Back to the Christmas knitting....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A little snow, a little cake and a BIG birthday

My birthday was the 4th and I had a pretty good time. My beloved listened to every single, not-so-subtle hints I dropped and bought me a ball winder and swift. I've spent the last 2 days playing with my new toys. I had lemon cake (yum-o!)
and a VERY delicious taco dinner. All in all, it was a VERY good birthday. Age, you ask? I'll never tell! *wink*

It has also been snowing the last few days. Molly doesnt like to go down into the snow to pee or poop so that dog of mine has been pooping on the PORCH!!! BAD DOG!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I love free stuff!

Okay. So. I'm a member of a Freecycle in my area. If you don't know what Freecycle, google it...I'm sure there is one in your area. Anyway, usually the stuff on Freecycle is stuff that people either don't want/need to get rid of/don't want to sell @ a yard sale. And normally I just wade thru the crap (because there is ALOT of crap to wade thru) and EVERY now and again you'll find a jewel. Like FREE YARN AND FREE CROCHET BOOKS!!! And seriously, I didn't even know Singer MADE knitting kits, did you? Even tho it's acrylic and not really a pattern I'm interested in, I thought I could use the yarn in the kit to make Molly a sweater since it's getting pretty nippy outside. Every cute doggie needs a sweater right?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm just not sure....

I'm not sure how crafty I am. Am I destined to just be a knitter? I S-U-C-K @ crochet, I don't do crosstitch, and I can't sew on a machine to save my life. Remeber the sewing machine I was given? Well, I haven't exactly figured out how to use it. I've had it for weeks now and it just sits in my dining room mocking me. Most of the time it whispers to me that even 5 year olds in 3rd world countrys can stitch Nikes on a sewing machine. Which is true, but not very helpful. I've fiddled with the buttons, etc and fucked something up because everytime I think I'm just humming along something freaky happens and the needles snaps in half. WTF?! I mean, how hard can this possibly be? I really need someone to just sit beside me show me what I'm doing wrong and what I should be doing right. You know? Also, I think I need to whip out the permanent marker and mark the knobs, etc. *sigh* So sad, I swear. Exactly how in the heck am I supposed to learn steeks if I don't have a machine to practice on?!

I guess on the bright side, I am pretty good at painting useless objects bought in craft stores in a frenzy with a hot 40% off coupon in my hand.

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