1. A scarf (which I will now refer to as the Never-Ending-2x2rib-Scarf-Of-Doom)for my father-in-law, the hat to this set is already done. Would you like to see it being modeled on my sweetie?

2. A hoodie for my neice. My daughter and niece wanted matching hooded sweatshirts; my daughters is done already in a light pink and my nieces is barely a waistband at this point in dusty lilac.

3. The Perfect Sweater (pattern can be found on Ravelry by the Mason-Dixon Girls) for my sweetie. At this point, it's only the back panel of a sweater. She doesn't mind if it's late, she already has a pair of socks done. Also, for Christmas.
I made good use of Stitch N Bitch night tonight by working on these projects, but. Um. I accidently cast on the Everlasting Bagstopper (pattern found in Knitty) for myself in a deep, rich purple Lion Brand Cotton. Oops. THATS NOT CHIRSTMAS KNITTING!!! I couldn't help it! It's a great bag, not just for carrying gorceries either. I see myself riding my adult sized tri-cycle in late spring with this bag slug over my shoulder full of fresh fruits and veggies. Also a fresh bagette of french bread inside. To sit at the park with. This is the perfect bag for those activities. Of course, summer is quite a bit off, I know. Ahem. Back to the Christmas knitting....

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