Sunday, December 30, 2007

Monkey Socks Here I Come!

Check out the Lorna's Laces I scored on eBay! I think I paid around $21 for 2 skeins of Child's Play. Aren't the colors just yummy? I think this yarn wants to be made into Moneky Socks!!!

I plan on joining the Lime and Violet Finish-it-up-along '08 over on Ravelry. I've got 3-4 projects on the needles that need to get finished up.

1. The Earflap Hat

2. The Tuxedo Pillow (A knitty gritty pattern. It's on the knitty gritty website ( and on Ravelry. This is the second one I'm doing. Here's the first.)

3. Cherry Blossom Socks. (They just need binding off; see the previous post.I'm using this pattern..... ( and the Cherry Blossom sock yarn by Cherry Tree Hill.)

4. The Perfect Sweater (It's a Mason-Dixon sweater pattern that goes all the way up to 4x but I'm making the 3x for my sweetie. Do a search for it on Ravelry. I'm using Red Heart Soft yarn in's the only acrylic I like and my SO is allergic to wool.

5. The Wonderful Wallaby

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