Check out the Lorna's Laces I scored on eBay! I think I paid around $21 for 2 skeins of Child's Play. Aren't the colors just yummy? I think this yarn wants to be made into Moneky Socks!!!
I plan on joining the Lime and Violet Finish-it-up-along '08 over on Ravelry. I've got 3-4 projects on the needles that need to get finished up.
1. The Earflap Hat
2. The Tuxedo Pillow (A knitty gritty pattern. It's on the knitty gritty website (www.diynetwork.com) and on Ravelry. This is the second one I'm doing. Here's the first.)

3. Cherry Blossom Socks. (They just need binding off; see the previous post.I'm using this pattern..... (http://wendyknits.net/knit/FingeringweightSocks.pdf) and the Cherry Blossom sock yarn by Cherry Tree Hill.)
4. The Perfect Sweater (It's a Mason-Dixon sweater pattern that goes all the way up to 4x but I'm making the 3x for my sweetie. Do a search for it on Ravelry. I'm using Red Heart Soft yarn in Wine...it's the only acrylic I like and my SO is allergic to wool.
5. The Wonderful Wallaby
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