I'm not sure how crafty I am. Am I destined to just be a knitter? I S-U-C-K @ crochet, I don't do crosstitch, and I can't sew on a machine to save my life. Remeber the sewing machine I was given? Well, I haven't exactly figured out how to use it. I've had it for weeks now and it just sits in my dining room mocking me. Most of the time it whispers to me that even 5 year olds in 3rd world countrys can stitch Nikes on a sewing machine. Which is true, but not very helpful. I've fiddled with the buttons, etc and fucked something up because everytime I think I'm just humming along something freaky happens and the needles snaps in half. WTF?! I mean, how hard can this possibly be? I really need someone to just sit beside me show me what I'm doing wrong and what I should be doing right. You know? Also, I think I need to whip out the permanent marker and mark the knobs, etc. *sigh* So sad, I swear. Exactly how in the heck am I supposed to learn steeks if I don't have a machine to practice on?!
I guess on the bright side, I am pretty good at painting useless objects bought in craft stores in a frenzy with a hot 40% off coupon in my hand.
Well it sounds like your tension is too tight or the fabric is too thick. I am pretty new to sewing too but I am learning. One of the first things I learned was the little drawstring bag I sent you. I can send you the pattern link if you like. Good luck!
-your (soon to be revealed) Secret Pal
Would you send me the pattern? It is just adorable and I'd love to make a few for my friends! I'm sure the tension is the problem but I'm not sure how to fix it.
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