Saturday, June 13, 2009

Finished Monkey Socks!

monkeys 001
Originally uploaded by Sinnomen1977
Here's a pic of my latest FO....the monkey socks all finished! The details:

NeedleSize: 2US Knit Picks sock needles
Yarn: Sweet Berry 100% merino yarn by White Willow (check them out on etsy!)
pattern: Monkey 2006 Winter Knitty

I went to my local WWKIP Day event and finished the toe on the second sock. I think it took me about 2 weeks give or take a few days to finish these. The pattern is easy to memorize; after you do that it just flys by!

1 comment:

knitspun said...

How pretty, you did a great job and that yran color makes the pattern really show. Love them....

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