Did you sign on to do a knitting project during Ravelympics? I decided to try a pattern I thought I could actually finish in 17 days (the length of the Olympics); Clapotis! If you've never heard of this pattern, what rock have you been living under? This pattern is in the Fall 2004 issue of Knitty.com I started this morning @ around 12 noon. Your suppoed to cast-on during the opening cerimonies which for me on the East Coast was @ 8am this morning. And of course in true Sinn fashion, I overslept and didnt get around to casting on until 12 noon. So I'm behind by a few hours but I've more than made up for it by knitting on this thing non-stop all day today. I've got the second section of the pattern just about done. Pics to come soon.
I'd like to call this Day 1 of Clap Knitting.
I also finished the front of the Cherry Bomb tank.

I've put it down for a little while; I'm trying to meet the finish line with the Clap. Wish me luck!
That is some impressive clap knitting! I know you can do it! Rah Rah Rah! (<-- that's me cheering you on as you knit for the Olympics.)
Prof Chaos
I have a 1/3 done Clapotis that's been sitting around for months! GOOD LUCK! I know you will do better!
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