Friday, December 20, 2013

Un-paper towels....

I've been ALL OVER pinterest the past few months. Just pinning like it's my job! Anyways, over the last few years I've been trying to GO GREEN! as much as possible and one of the last things I've been trying to break away from is unnecessary paper products. Like napkins, paper towels/hand towels, Swiffer wipes, etc.

I saw a tutorial for fabric paper towels on Pinterest and I thought about raiding my stash to make some. Here's the link Unpaper-towel tutorial...

I started by taking an actual paper towel and using it as my "pattern". I had some left over flannel-like fabric in my stash which I'm using as the back.

I used some left-over fabric for the front. I saved this from a dress I sewed my daughter a few years ago.

I pinned both pieces together and sewed them on 3 sides. I started out with a zigzag stitch but didn't like it much so I ended up with just a straight stitch.

After sewing 3 sides, I pressed the seams out and used a chopstick to push the corners out. Except I forgot to snip the corners so I'm gonna have to go back to do that. Oops! LOL!

All in all it was pretty easy to do, once I add the snaps and put them all together I'll post more updated pics.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Still Holiday Knitting....

Irish hiking scarf by Sinnomen1977
Irish hiking scarf, a photo by Sinnomen1977 on Flickr.

This Irish Hiking Scarf is for a clients friend but I'm thinking of knitting another into a cowl. Hmmm....

Happy Thanksgiving!

upload by Sinnomen1977
upload, a photo by Sinnomen1977 on Flickr.
Look at this SEXY turkey my boo baked for the big day!!!

She also made REAL CRANBERRY SAUCE....

I made cornbread dressing (it was SOOOO GOOD!!!) And she made mac n' cheese...

She also made 2 pecan pies and I made 2 sweet potato....

Not pictured: Mashed potatoes, rolls, and green bean casserole.

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