Well fall is offically in the air now. I spent the day with the family @ Mason Farms. (www.masonfarms.net ) There was a pumpkin farm, a corn stalk maze and lots of fun things for the kiddies to do. Here's a pic of Aija with her face painted. It says Boo!
Mary and I also went thru the maze with the kids.
Aija got a chance to go thru the petting zoo and pet some really hungry goats.
We didnt get a chance to pick out any pumpkins (they are cheaper @ Walmart) but we drank alot of cider and had a good time enjoying the day. Mason Farms is a good place for produce shopping (it's a farmer's market); I should have bought some apples for apple pie but I didnt even think about it until we left. Oh well. Good times were had by all!